Trust Center

Trust Center is committed to protecting user freedom of expression, the integrity of user conduct, the content that is published by our community, and every verified user’s privacy and security

Trust Center

Rules of Engagement

Guiding Principles

  • Preventing Abuse

    Learn about others by viewing their profiles. Useful for research, due diligence and keeping informed.

  • Minimizing Harm

    Respond to any media published about you in a systematic, structured manner. An effective tool for reputation management.

  • Verified Accounts

    Publish your own media releases on your profile. Popular if you need to make an official statement or share news updates.

  • Empowering Users

    Record video and audio to updates and responses. A powerful way to convey your message to your audience.

Our Safety Experts believes every user should feel confident that their privacy is being protected online. It is at the core of the way we design and build the services that our users know and love, so that they can fully trust the experience and focus on building meaningful connections

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Use the "Report" button on pieces of individual content or on entire profiles. You can select the reason for the report from a dropdown menu.

  • Content is reviewed by our moderators, who have been trained to assess guideline compliance. Some content may be automatically removed based on extremity, or be temporarily hidden while awaiting review.

  • Posts/comments may be removed if they violate the platform’s community guidelines, such as for hate speech, harassment, or sharing inappropriate or illegal content.

  • If you believe your content was removed in error, you can submit an appeal through Make a Report. Provide as much detail as possible.

  • Yes, go to the user’s profile and select the “Report” option. Provide details about the behavior in the provided text box.

  • Your report will be reviewed by our moderation team. If the content violates our guidelines, it may be removed. Generally, reporters will not receive an update once the content is actioned. Reporting is anonymous, and the user who posted the reported content will not be informed of the reporter’s handle.

  • Our Rules of Engagement can be found These rules outline acceptable behavior and prohibited content. If a violation occurs, the Content Moderation team may take corrective actions, such as content removal, restriction of monetization features, issuing warnings, or account suspension.

  • Our Rules of Engagement serve as guardrails, applying to all content shared on the platform—including posts, messages, videos, and profiles.

    In addition to behaviors as outlined in our Bullying and Harassment, Hate Speech, and Misinformation policies, the following content topics are considered sensitive, and should not be posted on

    1. Content that centers solely on excessive or graphic violence and gore. (Note that some graphic violence is context dependent. For example, images posted by journalists covering specific topics such as war.)
    2. Content featuring death or extreme injury.
    3. Threats or attempts to inflict physical harm or death on others.
    4. Threats or attempts to hack or dox others.
    5. Pornographic content.
    6. Posting links to pornographic websites or the dark web.
  • Content might remain visible if it doesn’t explicitly violate guidelines. Decisions are nuanced and may vary.

  • Consequences can include warnings, content removal, account suspension, or permanent bans. If you think your content was removed in error, you can file an appeal here.

  • does not verify all information posted by our users. However, we do verify the identity of the users themselves, requiring proof of identity before account creation. By doing this, we aim to make bot accounts, sock puppet accounts, and spam less prevalent than on other social media platforms.