Bullying And Harassment

At Media.com, we want everyone to feel safe and respected. Bullying or harassment is not allowed on our platform. These guidelines explain what bullying and harassment look like, and how we handle these situations to keep our community secure.

Bullying And Harassment Rules of Engagement

What’s Covered by This Policy?

This policy applies to everything shared on Media.com, including posts, comments, messages, content, and any other interactions between users.


What Behavior is Not Allowed?

1. Targeted Harassment: Deliberate actions like stalking, intimidating, or repeatedly confronting someone.

2. Malicious Content: Posting or sharing anything meant to embarrass, degrade, or humiliate someone and/or groups, including mean comments about an individual’s or group’s appearance or lifestyle.

3. Encouraging Harassment: Urging others to bully or harass an individual or group.

4. Unwanted Sexual Content: Sharing sexually explicit content without consent or making unwanted sexual remarks.

5. Violent Threats: Threatening to harm or promoting violence against an individual or group,.

6. Sharing Private Information: Posting an individual’s or group’s private details without their permission (also known as doxxing).

7. Sharing content that amplifies previously public information in a manner that creates new risks, such as targeted harassment or malicious intent, is prohibited. We reserve the right to remove such content to protect individuals from undue harm and maintain a safe community environment.

8. Discrimination: Bullying an individual or group based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or any other protected identity.


It’s acceptable to post or comment about difficult or sensitive topics, as long as it doesn’t turn into bullying or harassment. Criticizing public figures or organizations is allowed, but it should be constructive and not harmful.

Reporting and What Happens Next

If you see bullying or harassment, report it to us via the reporting tool. We will review it and take action, which could include removing content, suspending accounts, or banning users permanently. In severe cases, we may inform law enforcement.

How We Support You

Users can block or mute other users to prevent further interactions and report abusive content directly to us.

Our Commitment

Media.com is dedicated to providing a platform where people can express themselves freely while respecting others. We regularly update these guidelines to keep our community safe and positive.